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English as a Second Language

ESL – Dual Language Program

Eiber Elementary School proudly offers a program of dual language education for students whose first language is Spanish. By enrolling in this program, your student will become bilingual and bicultural, with the academic skills needed to succeed in both English and Spanish.

Our Beliefs

We believe that children only learn to read once, and that this process is easiest in the language a child speaks best. For Spanish speaking children, learning to read and write in Spanish makes it more likely they will later achieve a high level of English literacy.

Program Structures

In Eiber's Dual Language Program, students receive integrated instruction in Spanish and English.

70 percent of instruction is initially delivered in Spanish, and 30 percent of instruction is in English. As a student progresses through the program, the ratio gradually evolves to a 50-50 balance of English and Spanish instruction.

  • Grades K-2 | 70% Spanish vs. 30% English

  • Grade 3 | 60% Spanish vs. 40% English

  • Grades 4-6 | 50% Spanish and 50% English

Parent Tips

Parents should support their children's bilingualism. Talk about the school day and your child's learning in your home language.

English as a Second Language in Jeffco

Welcome multilingual learners and families!

Multilingual learners contribute to a strong academic environment, creating schools where diverse communities thrive.

Jeffco's English as a Second Language (ESL) program supports multilingual learners academically and linguistically. Teachers and tutors from the Department of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE) use a range of strategies to help students who are learning English access rigorous, grade-level content while developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English.